The Art of Public Speaking 12th Edition Chapter 12 Practice Test Answers

The Art of Public Speaking • Chapter 12 Using Language Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙

The Art of Public Speaking • Chapter 12 Using Language Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Meaning of Words have two kinds of meanings: Denotative Connotative Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙

Meaning of Words have two kinds of meanings: Denotative Connotative Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Denotative Meaning Literal, dictionary meaning of word or phrase Example: school denotatively means a

Denotative Meaning Literal, dictionary meaning of word or phrase Example: schoolhouse denotatively means a place where pedagogy is given Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Fine art of Public Speaking, 12 thursday Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Connotative Meaning suggested by associations or emotions triggered by word or phrase Example: School

Connotative Significant suggested by associations or emotions triggered past word or phrase Example: School connotatively could mean frustration, personal growth etc. © Ronald Foster Sharif /Demotix/Corbis Copyright © Mc. Graw-Hill Didactics. All rights reserved. Mc. Graw-Colina Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 thursday Edition © 2015 Stephen Due east. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Using Language § Guidelines: § Use language accurately § Use language clearly § Use

Using Linguistic communication § Guidelines: § Use language accurately § Apply linguistic communication clearly § Use linguistic communication vividly § Use language accordingly Mc. Graw-Colina Education ∙ The Fine art of Public Speaking, 12 thursday Edition © 2015 Stephen East. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Imagery Creating mental images of objects, actions, ideas © John Coletti/JAI/Corbis Copyright © Mc.

Imagery Creating mental images of objects, actions, ideas © John Coletti/JAI/Corbis Copyright © Mc. Graw-Colina Education. All rights reserved. Mc. Graw-Loma Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 thursday Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Abstract Words References to general concepts, qualities, attributes Example: Pencil, carrot, door Mc. Graw-Hill

Abstruse Words References to general concepts, qualities, attributes Example: Pencil, carrot, door Mc. Graw-Loma Education ∙ The Fine art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Concrete Words References to tangible objects Example: Science, philosophy © Pierre Andrieu/AFP/Getty Images Copyright

Concrete Words References to tangible objects Example: Science, philosophy © Pierre Andrieu/AFP/Getty Images Copyright © Mc. Graw-Colina Didactics. All rights reserved. Mc. Graw-Colina Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Abstract v. Concrete Physical activity Abstract Sports Basketball Professional basketball Le. Bron James Concrete

Abstruse v. Physical Physical activity Abstruse Sports Basketball Professional basketball game Le. Bron James Concrete Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Simile Comparison introduced with

Simile Comparison introduced with "similar" or "as" Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen Eastward. Lucas. All rights reserved.


Simile "Walking into my grandparents home when I was a child was like being wrapped in a giant security blanket" Mc. Graw-Colina Education ∙ The Fine art of Public Speaking, 12 thursday Edition © 2015 Stephen Due east. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Metaphor Comparison not introduced with

Metaphor Comparison non introduced with "like" or "as" Mc. Graw-Loma Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen Due east. Lucas. All rights reserved.


Metaphor "America's cities are the windows through which the world looks at American order. " Mc. Graw-Hill Teaching ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen Eastward. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Rhythm Pattern of sound created by choice, arrangement of words Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙

Rhythm Pattern of sound created by choice, arrangement of words Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 thursday Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Parallelism Similar arrangement of pair or series of related words, phrases, sentences Mc. Graw-Hill

Parallelism Like organization of pair or series of related words, phrases, sentences Mc. Graw-Colina Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 thursday Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.


Parallelism "I speak as a Republican. I speak as a woman. I speak every bit a U. S Senator. I speak as an American" (Margaret Chase Smith) Mc. Graw-Loma Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 thursday Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Repetition § Reiterating same word or set of words § Located at beginning or

Repetition § Reiterating same word or gear up of words § Located at starting time or terminate of successive clauses, sentences Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen Due east. Lucas. All rights reserved.


Repetition "If not at present, when? If not u.s.a., who? If non together, how? " Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Alliteration Repeating initial consonant in close or adjoining words © Andy Rain/epa/Corbis Copyright ©

Alliteration Repeating initial consonant in shut or adjoining words © Andy Rain/epa/Corbis Copyright © Mc. Graw-Loma Education. All rights reserved. Mc. Graw-Hill Didactics ∙ The Fine art of Public Speaking, 12 thursday Edition © 2015 Stephen Due east. Lucas. All rights reserved.


Alliteration "Zero great is achieved without cooperation, compromise, and common cause. " Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 thursday Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Antithesis Juxtaposition of ideas, usually in parallel structure Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Art

Antithesis Juxtaposition of ideas, usually in parallel structure Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Fine art of Public Speaking, 12 thursday Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.


Antithesis "Inquire not what your country can do for you; inquire what you tin can practice for your country. " Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Fine art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Appropriate Language § Occasion § Audience § Topic § Speaker © Goh Seng Chong/Bloomberg/Getty

Appropriate Language § Occasion § Audition § Topic § Speaker © Goh Seng Chong/Bloomberg/Getty Images Copyright © Mc. Graw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Inclusive Language Does not stereotype, demean on basis of gender, race, religion, disability, sexual

Inclusive Language Does not stereotype, demean on basis of gender, race, religion, inability, sexual orientation, etc. Mc. Graw-Colina Instruction ∙ The Fine art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen East. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Inclusive Language § Avoid generic

Inclusive Linguistic communication § Avert generic "he" § Avoid "human being" when referring to men & women Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Fine art of Public Speaking, 12 thursday Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Avoid Generic

Avert Generic "He" Ineffective: Each time a surgeon walks into the operating room, he risks being sued for malpractice. Mc. Graw-Hill Instruction ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 thursday Edition © 2015 Stephen East. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Avoid Generic

Avoid Generic "He" More effective: Each time a surgeon walks into the operating room, he or she risks being sued for malpractice. Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Avoid Generic

Avoid Generic "Man" Ineffective: If a large comet struck the Earth, it could destroy all of mankind. Mc. Graw-Colina Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen Due east. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Avoid Generic

Avert Generic "Human being" More constructive: If a big comet struck the Globe, it could destroy all human life. Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Inclusive Language § Avoid stereotyping jobs, social roles by gender § Use names groups

Inclusive Language § Avoid stereotyping jobs, social roles by gender § Apply names groups use to identify themselves Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Fine art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Avoid Stereotyping Ineffective: Being a small businessman in the current economic climate is not

Avert Stereotyping Ineffective: Existence a minor man of affairs in the current economic climate is not easy. Mc. Graw-Hill Pedagogy ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 thursday Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Avoid Stereotyping More effective: Being a small businessperson in the current economic climate is

Avoid Stereotyping More constructive: Being a small businessperson in the current economic climate is non like shooting fish in a barrel. Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Fine art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Use Self-Identifiers Ineffective: The Paralympics show what handicapped people can accomplish in the athletic

Use Self-Identifiers Ineffective: The Paralympics show what handicapped people tin can accomplish in the able-bodied loonshit. Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.

Use Self-Identifiers More effective: The Paralympics show what people with disabilities can accomplish in

Use Self-Identifiers More effective: The Paralympics show what people with disabilities can achieve in the able-bodied arena. Mc. Graw-Hill Education ∙ The Fine art of Public Speaking, 12 th Edition © 2015 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.


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